(805) 856-8373
Irish Dance Levels
Firedance School of Irish Dance
Level 1
Level 1 classes are designed to introduce students of all ages to their first 2 basic Irish Dances.
The first 2 soft shoe dances each have unique music and timing:
The Reel : 4/4
The Light Jig : 6/8
Each beginner dance consists of 2 steps. 1 step = 8 bars of music danced on the right foot, and then repeated exactly the same on the left foot for a total of 16 bars of music per step. 2 steps per dance = 32 bars of music.
Videos of both the Beginner Reel and Beginner Light Jig can be found on the Practice page.
Once a student can demonstrate their individual understanding of timing, and execute a dance to music properly, they will be invited to move into a Level 2 class.
(Please Note: Kids classes are open to ages 4-12, and while there is a big age gap, students are expected to excel at their own pace. Every student needs to learn the basics, and some will reach proficiency faster than others.)
Attire: Irish Dance shoes are available for students under 12 to rent for $30 (purchase cost ~$65). Kids classes will be issued a white T-shirt, adults will be issued a black T-shirt.
Level 2
Level 2 classes will continue to build upon the knowledge of the soft shoe movements acquired from Level 1. Students will learn their 3rd and 4th soft shoe dances, the Slip Jig and Single Jig.
Dancers will be able to recognize the music for each dance, and be able to count proficiently pointing on beat 5 and beginning on beat 1.
Slip Jig: 6/8
Single Jig: 6/8
Once a student can demonstrate their individual understanding of timing, and execute all 4 dances to music properly, they will be recorded in the studio and the videos will be added to their file of Irish Dance progress.
From there, they will be invited into level 3 where they will be issued hard shoes. Hard shoes will be available to rent for $50 (purchase price ~$150).
Level 3
Level 3 classes will continue to focus on proper form for the first 4 soft shoe dances, and include an introduction to the first 3 hard shoe dances. Classes will increase from 60 min ($30) to 90 min ($40).
There are 3 basic Hard Shoe dances:
Heavy Jig : 6/8
Hornpipe : 4/4
St. Patrick's Day : 6/8
Dancers in this level will be asked to join our performance team!